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Butterfly Books January Newsletter

Katie Buultjens


Welcome to 2022!

I hope you had an amazing holiday season and are ready for everything 2022 has to offer.

We're kicking the year off in a big way, offering a huge range of teaching resources, kids and lifestyle books to inspire readers of all ages.

During January we will be sharing resources exploring First Nations peoples history and culture as well as the history and culture of Australia since European settlement.

We are also gearing up for a little self love this February, with a wide range of lifestyle books available for anyone who wants to spoil themselves this Valentines Day.



Our Top Picks for January

For Adults

Finding the Heart of the Nation By Thomas Mayor A must read for all Australians, 'Finding the Heart of the Nation' taps into the deep sense of our shared humanity. This compelling work is full of Australian Indigenous voices that should be heard. For the Kids Advance Australia Fair By Peter Dodds McCormick The Australian National Anthem was written by Peter Dodds McCormick in 1878 and was chosen by the Australian people almost 100 years later as our national anthem. In this beautiful picture book Award-winning illustrator, Tony Flowers, has captured the spirit of the lyrics by showcasing our homes abundant gifts from the encircling seas, across its boundless plains, to its spiritual heart.

Australian Themed books

for Children

There is only a month until Valentines day and I'm setting the challenge to show yourself some love this year. It's been a rough few years for all of us and somewhere along the way self love has fallen by the way side. We've all been so busy with home schooling, zoom meetings and social distancing that we've lost the art of caring for ourselves. So this February, to celebrate Valentines day we will have a wide range of lifestyle books available for anyone who wants to spoil themselves. Katie xx

Upcoming Dates to Save

  • January 26th Australia Day/Survival Day

  • February 1st Chinese New Year

  • February 9th Safer Internet Day

  • February 14th Valentines Day



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